May 27, 2014

27th May 2014


1.      We dedicate this quote to the Founder Principal of our school :
‘He who opens a school door, closes the door of ignorance, forever.’

2.      An honest person is always a child  (by Socrates)

3.      I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.
 (by Lily Tomlin)

4.      First we learn from our teachers to speak loud and clear in class, then again we are taught to shut up and learn to sit still. ( by Phyllis Diller)

5.      Education beats the beauty and the youth (by Chanakya)

6.      Education is not the filling of a bowl, but the lighting of a fire ( by William Butler Yeats)

7.      We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do, so keep smiling (by Mother Teresa)

8.      Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere –  (by Rajiv sir).

Quotes on Nature :

GO GREEN to be clean,
If our nature is clean our lives gleam.

Paradise is on earth, not in heaven
If we care for nature God will give us seven.

Love nature not me,
It will love you back, till eternity.

We kill tigers but they save our forest,
If this goes on, God will put us to rest.

A cub cries : “ Don’t shoot my mother”,
We do the shooting without time to bother.

Noise is a burden,
Stop it  sudden
We will get rest
And that will be the best.

I want a tree to be free
Free of pollution
And that is the only solution.

I love nature and nature loves me,
We are a family and we live in glee.

A tree speaks : “Don’t cut me it hurts,

If you save me I will make you first”.

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