Jul 10, 2020

See It Through

When you are up against a trouble
Meet it squarely face to face
Lift your chin and set your shoulders
Plant your feet
And take a brace.

When it’s vain to try to dodge it
Do the best that you can do
You may fail
But you may conquer
See it through.

Black may be the clouds about you
And your future may seem grim
But don’t let your nerve desert you
Keep yourself in fighting trim.

If the worst is bound to happen
In spite of all that you can do
Running from it will not save you
See it through.

Even hope may seem futile
When the trouble you’re beset
But remember what you are facing is
Just what other men have met.

You may fail
But still be fighting
Don’t give up whatever you do
Eyes front
Head high to the finish

See it through!

Sir Rajiv
10th July 2020

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have read all its amazing