Aug 11, 2013


Children play, their lives hearty and gay.
They thrill with laughter so shrill,
Elders wander  they take too long time to ponder.

I sit and look, with my fingers on a book,
Relaxed not so much as them
But recapitulating my childhood days of fame,
When life for me was a winning game.

Now, i realize myriad offers
but gradually lifestyle  suffers
immensely;  towards weary depravity
the only profit of growing up into an

[I do miss my childhood.]

Those days were the days made of pure gold
That is why today it is sold, and no more in hold
I yearn to catch them by, the only wish before i die.

I know i will look like a fool
within people whose ‘maturity’ is a tool
I am a vagabond, caught up on a bondage for ages
lost in the recollection of the begotten days.
now i spend my time upon those nostalgic ‘hay-days’.

1 comment:

Aryan said...

Aryan:- That was awesome